The Board of Trustees met for its regular meeting in the Admiral Lawrence Banquet Room at the Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium beginning at 0800 on May 11, 2018. ADM Robert J. Natter, ’67 USN (Ret.), Chair of the Board of Trustees, acted as chair of the meeting and Captain William R. Dawson ’82, SC, USN (Ret.) acted as secretary of the meeting.
The meeting began at 0800, going into a closed Executive Session in the Navy Lacrosse Hall of Fame room. The closed session concluded at 0829 at which time the Board relocated to the Admiral Lawrence Room.
ADM Natter reconvened the Board in open session at 0834.The Chair welcomed all and determined that a quorum was present. John-Rex Spivey ’13, Maureen Cragin ’85 and Tim Kobosko ’80 were excused in advance from the meeting by ADM Natter. ADM Natter then provided an overview of what was discussed in Executive Session. Two topics were reviewed; the Nominating Committee and Board of Trustees’ approval of incoming chair, ADM Samuel Locklear ’77, and the plans for the new USNA Alumni Association and Foundation Center. He then observed the “Last Call” and asked for a moment of silence for those members who passed away since the last meeting with special notation on the operational loss of LT Caleb King ’12, and Distinguished Graduate, Captain Bruce McCandless ’58. ADM Natter stated that the Executive Committee met the day before on May 10, in which the Authorization to Transact Business Resolution was unanimously approved. In addition, Lisa Strobel, Director of Treasury Operations, provided an overview of the FY19-20 budget.
The following actions were taken by the Board:
- Approved the AAF Center Committee
- Approved the AAF Center Lease Projected Budget
- Approved Fall 2017 minutes
- Approved the Election of Alumni Association officers
- Approved the FY 19-20 budget
- Approved the Revision of the Investment Policy Statement
- Approved the Shared Interest Group Program, as well as Run to Honor and USNA Women as Shared Interest Groups in good standing.
- Approved the new Shared Interest Group USNA Minority Association (USNAMA)
- Approved the Certification of the new chapter, Republic of Korea Chapter
The Commandant of Midshipmen provided the Board with an update of the Naval Academy and the Brigade of Midshipman.
Byron Marchant ’78, President and CEO gave the President’s Report. In his opening remarks he welcomed the new chair, ADM Samuel Locklear ’77, and the following incoming trustees: Andy Kirkpatrick ’86, Alan Lerchbacker ’74, Mark Rupprecht ’76, Chris Perrien ’74, Doug Ballard ’74, Scott Bethmann ’80, Tim Wolf ’87 and Todd Nichols ’72. Byron noted that the Foundation’s upcoming move from their current location to Building 274, will take place this summer. In addition, he announced for the first time, the new Distinguished Alumni Chapters Awards. The following four chapters were recognized for their strong commitment to the future of the Academy and the Brigade of Midshipman. The 2018 Distinguished Alumni Chapters are Hampton Roads, Upper Midwest, North Carolina Triangle and Oregon & Southwest Washington.
Bill Dawson ’82, gave an update on the Alumni Association’s Chapters and Parents Clubs. The EVP of Development, Bill O’Connor, gave an update on the ongoing campaign, as well as his report on the start of the public phase of the campaign. Kristen Pironis, VP of Communications and Marketing, gave a summary on the overhaul of the new web site and the Alumni Associations use of social media.
CAPT Don Hughes ’88, delivered the report from the Board of Tellers certifying the 2018 elections for the reelection of the Western Region Trustee (Steve Hall ’75) and the new Mid-Atlantic Region trustee (Andy Kirkpatrick ’86). MajGen Leo Williams ’70, presented the Joint Finance & Audit Committee’s report and Lisa Strobel presented the FY 19-20 Budget and Treasurer’s reports. Mike Mundt ’83 gave the USNA Alumni Association and Foundation Joint Investment report.
Reports were received from Nominations, Membership and Alumni Services, Admissions, Governance, House, Communications and Other Chapter Selection Committees. Murph McCarthy ’00 updated the Board on the Council of Class Presidents.
The chair then introduced each Trustee who was departing from the Board and thanked them for their service.
Veronica Rogers ’87 | Barbette Lowndes ’80 | |
Dave Kern ’81 | Jim Adkins ’58 | |
Liam Lane ’02 | Mel Meinhardt ’80 | |
Bob Sonnenberg ’70 | Dan Quattrini ’81 |
The chair then opened the floor to questions from the audience.
The meeting adjourned.
The new Board of Trustees convened in the Admiral Lawrence Banquet Room at the Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium. ADM Samuel J. Locklear ’77, USN (Ret.), Chair of the Board of Trustees, acted as chair of the meeting and Captain William R. Dawson ‘82, SC, USN, (Ret.) acted as secretary of the meeting to include the newly appointed board members:
ADM Sam Locklear ’77 | Andy Kirkpatrick ’86 | |
Alan Lerchbacker ’74 | Mark Rupprecht ’76 | |
Chris Perrien ’74 | Doug Ballard ’74 | |
Scott Bethmann ’80 | Tim Wolf ’87 | |
Todd Nichols ’72 |
A quorum was present. The chair announced the next meeting date: December 6, 2018. The meeting was then adjourned at 1155.
A video of the Combined USNA Women’s Glee Club and USNA Women’s Alumni Glee Club led the Board and those present in singing two verses of Navy Blue and Gold.
William R. Dawson '82
Updated: October 11, 2018
Curator: Ed Moore